Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I wish I Lived Here...

For those of you creatives out there that don't have a creative job or only have a quasi-creative job, this if for you...

Don't you wish we could all live on Bliss Road? Actually, it's about an hour and a half from my house and kind of in the middle of nowhere. So, in reality, I wouldn't want to live on Bliss Rd. I could have Photoshopped out the telephone poll but I thought, "nothing is perfect, even on Bliss Rd." I do love that blue sky behind the sign, though.


Monday, July 26, 2010

Weekend Dinners

Good Morning, Monday. Yes, it's the start of another week. I am actually excited for the start of this week. It's starting out on a very good note. My little sis (10 years younger than me), got engaged last night! I'm so excited! I can't wait to start helping her plan. I already offered to design her invitations, etc. And she's marrying the BEST guy, so that's a bonus. :)

This past weekend was a relaxing one. It was the first one in a lot of weeks where we didn't have a ton of plans. We cleaned, organized, went to a Great Lakes Loons game, watched movies, read books. I even got to try a new recipe which turned out to be delish so I wanted to share it...

Sunday, July 4, 2010

There is a Season

I remember so much about my grandpa. He was a very special soul. He was so happy and a hard worker and would help anyone, anytime. He loved his wife, Felicia, whom he lost to cancer when I was six and he loved his second wife, Charlotte, whom he also lost to cancer a few years ago. I loved how he always made me feel like his favorite grandchild. I’m sure he made each and every grandchild feel as if they were his favorite. He had a way about him.

I never remember him being sick. Only full of life and very active. It’s probably good that I wasn’t able to see him lying in a hospital bed. A couple weeks ago he caught Legionnaire's disease, a nasty type of pneumonia. Now I can only remember him as an active, vibrant man. A favorite memory of him is eating breakfast with him and my grandma in their breakfast nook when I was a little kid. They would make cream of wheat and put maple syrup on it. They had these bowls with flowers on the bottom and they would tell me to “eat down to the flower.” I can remember climbing behind him in the breakfast nook booth and squeezing his neck. He always smelled so good.

I'm thankful that he was able to go to Florida to meet his third great grandchild and I’m so thankful that he was able to make it to my wedding last November. He got to see me so happy and meet my husband.
Love you, Grandpa (Irving Alexander, July 16, 1928 - July 2, 2010). We will all miss you so very much.

Have a happy, happy 4th of July and appreciate every moment that you have with family!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

What's Your Style?

Happy Friday to everyone. Since we have begun renovating the 140-year-old house (almost known as Bee Shangri-La), I have started to think about what my style is. I mean, I know what I like but this house might just be a blank canvas. We've merged two households and all of our stuff is pretty old so I'm hoping to get some new loot. I took this quiz from Ethan Allen that I discovered on a fabulous blog that I read. It's very fun and Friday's should be fun! The quiz said my style was "loft." It described "loft" as Energetic. Fashion-driven. Practical. Materials borrowed from industry, architecture, and nature. Clean shapes. Punches of color. Spontaneous and fresh. Kids and pets? Bring them on. It was sort of right. Of course, I took the quiz a second and third time and got two more different answers. But it was still fun looking at lots of pretty pictures!

So...what's your style?