Monday, July 26, 2010

Weekend Dinners

Good Morning, Monday. Yes, it's the start of another week. I am actually excited for the start of this week. It's starting out on a very good note. My little sis (10 years younger than me), got engaged last night! I'm so excited! I can't wait to start helping her plan. I already offered to design her invitations, etc. And she's marrying the BEST guy, so that's a bonus. :)

This past weekend was a relaxing one. It was the first one in a lot of weeks where we didn't have a ton of plans. We cleaned, organized, went to a Great Lakes Loons game, watched movies, read books. I even got to try a new recipe which turned out to be delish so I wanted to share it...

1 comment:

  1. thanks sis!! I am so so so excited too!! can't wait to come home and see you guys!
    that dish does look yummy too! :D
    Love you!!
