Thursday, July 1, 2010

What's Your Style?

Happy Friday to everyone. Since we have begun renovating the 140-year-old house (almost known as Bee Shangri-La), I have started to think about what my style is. I mean, I know what I like but this house might just be a blank canvas. We've merged two households and all of our stuff is pretty old so I'm hoping to get some new loot. I took this quiz from Ethan Allen that I discovered on a fabulous blog that I read. It's very fun and Friday's should be fun! The quiz said my style was "loft." It described "loft" as Energetic. Fashion-driven. Practical. Materials borrowed from industry, architecture, and nature. Clean shapes. Punches of color. Spontaneous and fresh. Kids and pets? Bring them on. It was sort of right. Of course, I took the quiz a second and third time and got two more different answers. But it was still fun looking at lots of pretty pictures!

So...what's your style?

1 comment:

  1. just found the quiz, took it, and got the same thing! i love that look too :) I can't wait to see what your blank canvas becomes! Wish I was closer to help more!
