Thursday, October 28, 2010

Evolution of a Logo

So in my last post I thought I was close to a final logo. Three weeks and three more logos later, I'm finally there! What a rookie mistake - ha! Of course, the client wanted to see more because she didn't really know what she wanted. This is not an uncommon quality in a client. It's the designer's job to educate the client as to what good design is. It's also the designer's job to have thick skin for when the client obliterates the logo and wants you to do something crazy. Not in this case but it can happen. :)

The client basically chose the third choice from the previous post but she had a few adjustments. She wanted to see "bookshop" as one word and she wanted the circle to stand out more and to be completely closed...

But after seeing that she realized that she liked the square and colors of the second previous choice and she wanted to combine them. So the winner is...

I can actually say that I finished my first paying freelance job – I've got the check to prove it. Okay, the bank does. It's exciting to be doing what I want to be doing and it's ok that it's still just in my spare time and not full time. That day will come. Now onto a Save-the-Date card, wedding invitation and photographer's logo! Yippee!!

1 comment:

  1. i love it! and i'm so excited to see everything else you are doing!
