Tuesday, June 8, 2010


For months now, I've been debating on whether or not I should go out on my own as a graphic designer. While I'm thankful for my job, it has become more of a "job" rather than a career I am passionate about. Due to the economy, my job description has changed quite a bit. I took the job in the first place because I could work completely from home! A dream come true! I loved the freedom of working at home and setting my own schedule but also the security of being employed and guaranteed hours each week. But then there were budget cuts and layoffs and I agreed to help pick up the slack. So I found myself going into the office a couple nights a week to do production and administrative work. It was actually a nice change of pace in the beginning, getting out of the house. But that was also when I was going through a tough divorce. Now I'm remarried and don't really enjoy leaving my husband two or three nights a week to go work in the office. He's not thrilled about it either.

Going out on my own is scary. I don't live in a big city so, while there are opportunities, they require more work to get. But I miss feeling passion for my career choice so all the extra work it's going to take is starting to feel worth it. I've been pouring over blogs of designers and artists trying to get advice and inspiration. I am worried that I just won't be able to do it on my own but then again, maybe I'm up for an adventure. I have a lot on my plate right now: kids, new husband, new house, selling the old house, dogs and a nearly full-time job. Because my job has required me to go into the office on top of all my other work, I tend to be completely burnt out by Thursday.

So I guess that's why I started to blog. To help me sort out my fears about starting my own business and working for myself. I'd also like to write about designs and resources and beautiful things. I've got the name: Bliss Point Design. Now on to the logo. Not as easy as you'd think!

Is Sarah going to go out on her own? Stay tuned...


  1. Love the blog! This new adventure is probably be the best thing you will do for you career! I am so excited for you :)


    p.s. I like where the logos are going... especially the cursive one! had an idea for you though; since its "bliss point" maybe combined three different styles and then have something to swirl them all together creating that "bliss point" (did that make any sense!?) ha ha good luck!

  2. Hi Felicia,

    Thank you!!! I actually had thought of something like that for a logo and tried a couple different things that I couldn't make work. But I will try again - maybe when I'm not so stinking tired. :) I also found some inspiration elsewhere on the web and I'm excited about that. I'll keep you updated.

    Love, Sarah
