Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Bumble bee, bumble bee...

Actually, they're not bumble bees. They're honey bees and they are living inside the wall of my 140-year-old farm house. Yikes is right! I spoke to a bee keeper today who said there could be 20,000 bees in my walls. Double yikes! Luckily, we're not living in the house at the moment because we are trying to renovate it and sell our condo.

Dustin, my hubby, and I walked into the kitchen of the house on Sunday to discover at least 50 dead bees on the floor. Wondering where they came from, we walked around the house to discover this scene:

The picture will never do what we saw justice. I went out and bought the "spray at 22 feet away" RAID and sprayed them. The bee keeper told me, "all that stuff does is make them mad." Which is exactly what I witnessed. In his opinion, our only option is to have an exterminator come out and kill them. So now I have a headache from having talked to and mostly, left messages for, exterminators and bee keepers. I had one exterminator tell me that I should call other bee keepers just to get some different opinions as to if they really needed to be killed or if they could be removed. The first bee keeper said that it would be an eight week process to remove them! The really crazy part of all of this is that once the bees are gone (dead or alive), we're going to have to take the siding off and clean out the honey comb and all of the honey or else more bees will come. I guess "if you build it, they will come!"

We also had trees removed and trimmed. Here are the before and after pictures. Again, it's hard to tell in the pictures what a huge difference there is.

Happy Renovating!!

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